
Tuesday 7 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 3 Activity 3

Activity 3: Feast or Famine [6 points]
Julian Dennison is a very funny guy! He is from Lower Hutt, near Wellington. He is only 17 years old but he has already starred in a number of movies and TV commercials. You may have seen him on Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Deadpool, or in the Lynx ads.
Julian is not only a funny actor. He recently joined up with World Vision to be a 40 Hour Famine Ambassador. He travelled with World Vision to Uganda to meet some of the refugees from South Sudan who are living there. Check out this video.
For this activity, we would like to know if you would consider doing a 20 or 40 Hour Famine to raise money for charity.
On your blog, tell us whether, or not, you would participate in 20 or 40 Hour Famine. If you have already participated in a 20 or 40 Hour Famine, please share your experience, including why you decided to participate and some highlights and challenges of the experience. To get full points, please provide at least six sentences.
I have participate in the 40 hour famine once. At my church (St Pauls) all the children if they wanted stayed and participated at the challenge. We couldn't eat for 40 hours. It was really hard for me because I love food. We raised tons of money for world vision, I can't remeber how much but lots. I didn't eat break-fast, lunch and dinner which made me so hungry. I didn't want to do it but I did it because I wanted to raise money for thoose who don't have much food.

1 comment:

  1. The 2020 famine date is the 5th - 7th June...keep an eye out for details! You don't just have to go without could give up devices, or your bed or something else for the duration! Keep blogging, and commenting on others, to increase your chance of winning one of the awesome prizes and to keep up your learning over the school break!
