
Thursday, 10 September 2020

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Poly Line Art Fri, 4 Sep

This is my polyline art. polyling art is when you can see the art from one direction. And PolyLine is a drawing entity that consists of connected Lines or connected arc segments.

My Face

My Flower.

Lockdown Writing Fri, 4 Sep

Here is my writing on working during lockdown:
Week 7 Thursday 3 September
Prompt: Learning from home.

Covid-19 has had an impact on my learning. Learning from home has caused me distraction and lack in learning. I have significantly been distracted and my achievement has been slowed down. I thought the timetable was very flexible but I just couldn’t focus on it.

Having video calls was very boring to me because there wasn’t much action going on and there were problems that slowed the meeting down. Most of the time I had no interest in learning because everything involved stuff at home and no physical fitness or P.E. I agree that learning physically at school is way better than learning at home during lockdown.

Book Review Fri, 4 Sep

R.E 3 Sentences about The Church Fri, 4 Sep

Here is my video: